I always heard Sons of Anarchy was great. I've been wanting to watch it, but I figured I'd just wait til it ended and then watch it all on DVD.
No, I'm not saying Yamaha is bad at all. Schecter's are just more expensive because they have higher quality humbuckers and the one I got was made...
From what I've heard The Cape is balls to the wall awful.
Oh, it's a Yamaha. It looks like a Schecter, and the cheapest Schecter you can usually find is around $500 new, which is how much mine was. That's...
You're ****ing me? Gimme some specs.
**** man, nice guitar. How much?
And he should say that. Arkham City is going to kick all kinds of ass.
Favorite band in Tusk's likes: "Holy ****"
Yeah I liked a few of his remixes from the start, so when I decided to just listen to a few of his songs I hated them. For some reason I just kept...
Kid Cudi, anyone? He grows on you. YouTube - Mr. Rager-Kid Cudi And +rep for Undisclosed Desires, QKT. Love that song.
Metal? YouTube - Megadeth - Good Mourning/Black Friday (1986 Version)
Define "a tad strange."
Good one.
New Tosh.O. Sweet.
So, my dream last night consisted of me and a few friends sitting in a Chilis Restaurant. Then, Jeff Bridges walks in a says "I need a badass!" I...
I can't wait to go skydiving. A lot of people I've asked always seem to be unsure about it, but I've never had any doubts that it's something I...
Tron wasn't fantastic, but it was better than alright.
Take a bath in tomato juice... or something.
Meep... :(
I'll be the guy who says "Meep!"