That's pretty froggy.
Randle, I may have already said this in this thread, but seeing as how you liked LotSB so much I'll say it again. Bioware has said themselves that...
When The Shadow Broker has those shields on and Shepard says "Looks like we do this the hard way" and cracks his knuckles, that was one of the...
So who joined me in not watching a single minute of football today?
Bioware has said that the third game will be the end to Shepard's story, but definitely not the end to the Mass Effect universe. So yeah, Reaper...
Is it just me, or is stasis overpowered as **** all at higher levels?
I think it's pretty obvious who the main love interest is. The only squad member in both games that cannot possibly die, no matter what decisions...
Zombie Strippers
Actually it's Protheans. And glad to see you enjoyed it Sarge, since I noticed you playing it compulsively this past week.
Hmm maybe it has to do with the angle you approach them. Or maybe I'm just flat out missing lol.
How exactly do you latch onto a human as the pack? I press A and then right trigger but I only seem to grab onto them like 30% of the time. Which...
QKT was right, the multiplayer is surprisingly fun. I love just spawning as a little child in MP and they never seem to notice if you come from...
My ****ing god I hate that song with a passion.
If there was ever a game that could dethrone CoD like EA is hoping to, this is it.
That's not what I would have expected. Haven't even touched it yet.
Regenerator? What you talkin' 'bout? Also, there are at least 3 enemy types which are babies/small children in this game. EDIT: Oh I know what...
3 snow days in a row? I'm pretty sure this is a record or something for me.
So my father sings Firework by Katy Perry, and my repressed childhood rushes back to me.
The game is scary at first, but once you've experienced the few jump scares they employ the game becomes less horror and more survival. It doesn't...