See ya in two years!
If you think 343 is going to cater to the hardcore more than Bungie then you are fooling yourself. 343 is solely owned by Microsoft, which based...
Yellow combined with yellow.
I pictured QKT as a penguin.
Good comeback. Bad answer. Ugly.
2011 Good? Bad? Ugly?
Holy ****, Heavy Rain is a great game.
I think you'd be hard pressed to find a game for $5 that wasn't worth taking a chance on.
Haha, I have a pomeranian too. It is really dumb and ****ing annoying at how much it barks, but he's fun to play with at least.
God, I hate pugs once they're grown up. The only dog that could be worse is a rottweiler. Personal taste, though. Edited by merge: Oh and Grif,...
This might seem like a cop out, but it's just the natural order of things. Everyone is dependent on something because they cannot or think they...
Broz 4 lyfe
You should take your dog with you.
I watched Tron: Legacy and wished I was... in a Wilde.
Had bros on 4chub copy my syntax. Best day after christmas in a while.
Stayed up til 7:00AM playing AssCreedBro, the GTA IV expansions, and Need For Speed Hot Pursuit. Best ****ing Christmas in a long while. P.S. My...
My family decided to open presents on Xmas eve this year so we could all sleep in in the morning. I got all the games and movies I asked for and...
It's either 2 or 1 are the minimum, not exactly sure. But why would you want to do that? When you load it into ME3, you essentially have the same...