Can't really tell by the pics. Looks like a bunch of hallways. I'll have to download to see if it's good.
That looks crazy! I've played with some friends and the map runs smoothly.
Cool I like SWAT a lot. I'm going to download these so me and my friends have some news maps to play on.
This map looks like Onslaught. Nothing special. You should spice it up with something more original.
You need to take out the MLG. It just doesn't meet the standards of MLG. Take a look at some other MLG maps. Though for a regular map it is pretty...
Very good for MLG.
Over turn the boxes and geo-merge the ones next to the walls into the walls. It's reeeeeeally open. More cover and interlocking will set this map...
Can't really tell what all that is? Some overview pics would be nice.
Yeah I think I'm downloading this one. EDIT: Nvm, there is no link to it.
Oh trust me I have a list of MLG maps I've looked at. Most of them are crazy. I'm glad people noticed this. I really wanted to implement this...
I think I'm going to get rid of those pyramids in the center and put some things in the ground. I might just change the whole middle structure....
Thank you
I didn't even notice, I think one of my friends put it there without telling me.
So what you want is in big letters at the top of my thread is THIS IS NOT DONE or THERE WILL BE ANOTHER VERSION. You are the only one that...
You're saying that I never intended to make my map into a mlg map. I just proved to you with that long post back there that it was. So you...
Buy it.
Sorry photo is being stupid. If you saw MLG Arena then It's like that but smoother and more room.
Cover is all it is. It's temporary.
Yeah I put the wall corners there for now. I'm open for suggestions of what other items or ways to put there for more cover area.
MLG Frequency. Great map for some 4v4 action. Works great for Team Slayer. It's an open map but with plenty of cover. Symmetrical map that is fair...