well made, would be fun for a close quarters ffa i reckon, nice!
looks like an intense close quarters map good job 5/5 =]
excellent using of interlock i like the cover used from the walls 4/5
very interesting goemtry i like the way you used the double boxes as ramp corridors 4/5
very very nice recreation of outskirts, perfect! couldn't be any better
from what i can see it looks very original, i like it 4/5
perfect use of the new objects i say!
i fail to see the point of this map
what a waste of time
nice system you've got going there, it looks worth the download for sure!
very original idea 5/5 very professional
he wants everyone to think 'wow this looks cool i'll get as soon as it comes out!' And theres more chance of people going to download it if theres...
in halo 2 people would play infection by everyone going to one colour exepct for one person then when that one person kills you, you must change...
what a brilliant idea! this method could be used for some seriously crazy puzzle maps, hehe!
this map is creative, but i cant stand maps that include a massive bridge intersecting right down the middle of it 2/5 keep forging!
ooooooo! what a nice idea, its sort of looks like a cut-down version of blackout (minus the amount of ridiculous hiding spots too) nice 9/10 map!
i love that train! very well made, that train makes this sort of like a, mmmmmmmm.... an asthetic casual game mix.
very original! a great idea and very creative screenshots; the perfect game for splitscreeners!
nice map looks very well thought through congrats!