I played it with Vandam FFA but the main problem of the map was the lack of cover.
Dear F(Ph)reakie, It would be very much appreciated if you didn't flame my topic. I try to point out flaws and help maps....
I like to think I'm hardly a problem when half of the hub run around giving random comments on random maps without playing them or even reading...
:haha: It is pretty funny. And no, actually, it was a horrid sweater.
Fair enough, but it's meant to entertain as well as inform.
You should try to take criticism a little better.
Thank you for your submission. I will play it then get back with a review.
The only thing that would "Keep" me from not deleting this map of my HDD would add some much needed cover. I played a match on this map earlier...
How am I supposed to reply to that, anyway? We both speak english so look up the words if you don't know them.
Come up with something creative if you're gonna "bag" on me. Oh and it's people like you who can't understand that kissing ass won't get you very...
[IMG] Purpose of the AJ Critique: To point out flaws in maps so that the forger may learn from their mistakes and create better maps in the...
I find it ironic that a war-based map should be called, Irenic. But I digress... When I played this map, the first thing I noticed was the...
Moon Waffles...... hmmmm, I wonder what they taste like. They probably don't taste as bad as this map. First let me get things straight, the...
Well, this may come as a shocker, but the Remedy for a good map is solid gameplay not ridiculous merging. When I first played this map, I...
Look, I'm not going to beat around the bush: This map is less than stellar. Sure the stairs under the bridges might look "shmexy" as I've heard...
Im aj. Don't like me? Learn to deal with me. Got a problem with me? Take it up with my lawyer. The only map I ever loved was "Dig to China"...
As long as your in Forge, Snowbound is always fail-bound. Me and my friends played some CTF on this map the other day, and I have to say it's...