Dun dun dun. AJ is back. I'll edit this with my review after I've played a round or two, but for now I'd just like to say to everyone: "This...
I challenge anybody to create a Pre-DLC competitive map that feels like a new map. More specifically: Pre-DLC. Obvious Competitive. A balanced map...
mm, sorry. I'll check 'em out
Random Names Ridged Cracked Rippled Dried Shattered Dotted Dialed Dialed In Textured Socket Hex Neon Attraction Fraction Decimal...
Does the "I" stand for interlocking because that is all the map is? Let me first say you pulled off some awesome geomerges in this map. Your...
Thanks, guys
Stay on topic. Post edited to include critiques of Boxworld and Scyphozoan
Boxworld? More like Rush-World... To begin with, I am a big fan of the map Iceworld in CounterStrike. Though it is not a very hard map to...
Mess. Of. Shield. Doors. I don't like your use of shield doors here. They give players with low shields a easy place to hide and the attacker...
Oh, woops How abouts Smooth, Ride, Drivel, Valley, Sanded, Crine. I don't even if half of those are words, but w/e
In the first post use centered, colored, or re-sized text to indicate a change in topic. Say, from request format to current requests. It's easier...
OK guys, the AJ Critique thread is back up, but no fighting this time! In the words of Mod, Creep1ng De4th: I will preface the post with a warning...
I don' think I "review" Cave Freaks but I'll give a more substantial comment than he's been getting. To clarify, are you calling me biased based...
I'll try, I have a lot of requests lately. Same goes to Insane, DeathStarsOG, and anyone else who requested When you say his, I hope you're not...
Oh no... I rate maps on a scale of how much I liked them... no.... And if you don't give a **** you wouldn't post here. Annnnndd, it's not...
Yeah sure.
Woo, score 1 for me, lol! I believe it's free for the taking, but you should wait for Scope's answer.
Darn those "nub ass douchebags" who use a numerical scale. Darn them to heck. They are public enemy number one. Those guys who are running rampant...