i know its not that great of a screen shot i just put it up because i like posting
link inserted..... actually its on foundry.... i put inverse colors on this pic.
idk i couldnt think of a good name... if you can come up with a good one im all ears!
link inserted!
alright w/e... ill put the link in just for you!
link inserted
there link inserted!
Crystals [IMG]
Remains [IMG]
Burst [IMG]
Melting [IMG]
Dude The Picture Is Right Here You Don't Need The Link To Bungie
are you serious.... the picture is right there what more do you need!
I really don't know what to call it! [IMG]
Ok there is a lot more white than gold! [IMG]
Its a late 4th of July [IMG]
Fire VS Plasma [IMG]
It's an Epocolypse [IMG]
I have been warned for spamming. Boohoo!! [SPOILER]