There are lots of people who know things, but they don't reveal it to the internet. They sometimes show it to their friends, but most of the time...
That might not be true. Especially if the discoverer is me. Just like how Galileo isn't the most knowledgable about the revolution of Earth and...
Probably not with other vehicles. Most likely works with the normal warthog. Might work with containers instead of double boxes. You see, if it...
Once again, I have been motivated to move my mouse to the web address and type in Recent Screenies FTW! [ROBOTIC GLaDOS VOICE]...
Not unless you go to the other side of the map, or go anywhere that looks dangerous. DANGER=DEATH.
I've known this for a long time, and now I've finally been motivated enough to post it on the Internet. NOTE: 99.99% chance that you may not be...
It's a bit hard to aim it in Foundry. I tried it once in Foundry, and the arm kept aiming down. I call it a Super-Splazer prototype. It looks like...
We are an endangered species in Tennessee (Nashville/Brentwood/Franklin). In NYC, 50% of the people were asian.
It happens when you both pick it up, and then break the arms. Let me explain: When you both pick the weapon up, it becomes apparent that the...
Oh. I thought you meant that the spartans were the same... nvm...
News has been spread about a new disease known as Spartan-Arm-Cancer-Disease. This disease is very dangerous, and is known to occur during...
I believe you get someone to start to turn into camo, or make him spawn with poor camo. Then you get positioned and go to theater and take the shot.
The spartan monkey one was taken by him too. Also, the monkey had that EVA helmet (the one with the giant dome). This one looks like it has a ODST...
Well, you got the effect down, alright! 5/5, and lag does wonders.
And so, he got banned for triple posting. Although I must say, that is a nice wavy/ocean/water effect. I think it's something to do with a...
Allow me to help: [IMG] (This is an edited pic, so you have to put the Bnet Link!)
I prefer the USNC Assault over the Elite one due to the fact that it looks cooler and that there are more than 2 people. The Hobo would be pretty...
Nice caption, decent pic. Maybe you could've showed the chieftain's face? 3.5/5
Hmm... abstract art! Well, at least it's something new! 4/5
For some reason, I can't seem to see the pics. =(