This is great advice, I suggest following. Though I've not lost any sleep I've found this website to be quite addicting, and even take time away...
Well I was wondering if anyone knew of any good working proxy sites... Mostly because at school, I'm allowed to get on myspace but it's blocked....
With the drums and guitar in the multi-hub, it does the same thing for me, so I either unplug and replug them or restart my X-box. As to the...
Looks as if a lot of effort and time was put forth to create this map. Good job.
I've also just recently joined, and one thing you'll notice is that this community is great, most everyone is friendly most of the time. People...
No, this was put there on purpose, it's Bungie's little dorky cartoon Master Chief. You can even get a gamer pic, in color, of this guy.
Ive got a request, heres a pic. [IMG] Could you make that into a sig, with Revenant towards the bottom right please?
Looks great TexturedSun, 8.5/10 on the pics, cant wait to play it.
Second time posted (apparently) but still funny as hell.
Looks extremely simple.
Oh my gosh!! So I'm not crazy, that is what I saw in the lobby of matchmaking with my friends I told them and they didn't see it. And soon after...
I am xV Revenant. And YOU'RE already an acquaintance, and yeah some minor-major collab every once in a while is a good thing.
I found it because my buddy told me about the infinite budget glitch and I didnt understand his description, so I googled a tut for the glitch and...
Hells yeah, I'm up for recruit if you need me, message me on XBL or FH sometime.
Oh my gosh, I get so annoyed with this... My XBL Gamertag is xV Revenant, so I get all kinds of mispronunciations: Raven Reevant Reevanant...
Thanks for the directions around the site guys. Forging 101 is kinda old to me because I've kind of been following the site for some time now....
I absolutely love this map.
Let's hope it stays cool.
I'm new to the forums myself, but I love forging and have become fluent with it.
Im Revenant, or Zach whichever you wish to call me. I'm fluent with forge and learn something new about it everday. I hope to submit some maps in...