/\/\/\/\/\/\ Please read for proper edicate on how to post a map.
Wow so that kinda screws me, especially after waiting all this time. Well any ways good luck with your school problems.
These are my thoughts exactly. Especially the sword thing... that really gets me, I don't think they use swords in MLG, I've seen maulers,...
Well the lifts are great, but other than the weapons it's still just ghost town to me.
Nice, the only problem I have is that it's random my preference would be if like set to go one level up or down or from bottom to top. Other...
Nice remake, looks alot like the original. I'm DLing it later.
I don't know about blackout... it has such a limited pallet to work with. I mean ghost town and avalanche are missing major things, but the make...
Must has downloads? On a serious note: the map looks great. Gonna play soon.
Well their arms hurt also, so I think it's mostly the strain on the arm that makes it hurt. It's more of a soreness. Also cronic masturbation...
Alright I've got 50 posts, 55 with this one. Thanks for any future work you might put into my siggy.
Good effort, it seems you've got skill and all but you don't seem to have the hang of balancing the map, it's truly a one sided map. There are to...
Seems like a good idea, but maybe it was executed a tad poorly. Just saying the map looks really plain, and maybe not enough work was put in to...
Great map, great back story. Can't wait to play!
Yeah so at about 4:37 this morning an earthquake struck the Midwest USA, and me being in Missouri and all felt it. It was pretty cool. I woke up...
Don't give any one radar. The effects are good, and the game gets really exciting when it's darker. One thing I've seen: put on gloomy for a 60...
First post! Looks pretty cool for Infection and Zombie variants. But I think you should have gone with more custom structures.
It looks nice, but at the same time it looks cluttered. You may want to put more pics in, it'll help you get better rep for the map and it shows...
Nice interlocking it looks beautiful. Also this map makes Foundry look huge. I'll DL when I get home tonight.
First post! What!? Ok wow, I've almost always liked your maps, but this one is just the best. The only thing I don't like are the weapons, seems...
Haven't played it yet but I assume the ground is kinda like that of Pirate Wars. I gotta DL this when I get home tonight, it looks great.