make a series of jumps to get up to the sniper, add a ghost, and make a ledge out of fence walls aroud the edge. that would make this map...
I downloaded and it is super easy to get out of.
ok I really wanted to show off my sig, since it is so cool. the top graphic was made by duff himself, It's really bloody and cool. the second...
It looks great, I'd like to see more of the last room, but I'll dl and see. looks good
I like 6 the best, your face is scary.
I vote Chong!
****! it says remote file is too large. even when I take everything else out of my sig. edit: nevermind how can I resize, it makes it look...
you amaze me, It's a bloody frikkin mess, I love it.
this looks like a great map, but I have you thought of putting a ghost on it? it seems like that would make for some interesting gameplay
those are epicly awesome
this is an excellent map, it probably plays great
wooh, I love 1v1, lets pwn some nooooooooobs... or maybe a general. depends who I get paired up with I guess
I've accepted christ, but I already . can I make a substitute?
that's a pretty awesome sig, despite what Reynbow is.
nice, you climbed mt killamonjaro. watsup.
first off,no double posting. second, add a wow factor. make catwalks, interesting aesthetics, anything that will make your map noticeable. making...
wow. that's kind of funny you posted it here though...
Head: ODST Chest: CQB left Shoulder: CQB right shoulder: mark VI Color Primary: red Secondary: gold test out with the gunner and...
it looks easy to cheat, but hilarious to race. I'll try it out
It looks like a fun map, I like the banked turn. I give you a 3.75/5 just cuz the looks aren't all that great