not bad,I like the window bunker
those pics are tiny
I has reconz now
don't ask me. your map pack is great though, your the best new member I've ever seen
but this has nothing. it's messy, not interlocked, looks like you could fall inbewtween the boxes, and easily breakable
when you post it make pics
then give him credit! that is the only thing that makes your map unique!
He's frikkin amazing!!!!!!!! everybody come here!!!!!!!!!
that's crazy on the dark forum
I like the idea of the sword spawn, but it looks to basic. spice up the walls a little bit and you could keep it. also bring down the ceiling. the...
those are some sick panoramas
ok, I decided to let more screens into the contest. so go post some more
I took this picture on a forge through, but I wasn't trying to do it. So I'm not sure what category it would be [IMG]
same with me. they are all gullible idiots
It's here now, but I haven't yet played it. sounds fun though
lots of skulls, they're kind of weird, I don't know what's wrong with them though... I like mine better too bad I had to get other people to make...
+rep, your in gray now. It looks cool, I donn't like the green ting as the O, it looks weird. very basic. doing a panorama of Foundry would be...
look at the thread driscoll made, he put yours on it.
that looks tight, not as cool as my sig though. mine is the best
not bad, but it could be better. it needs more covewr