looks really good for a lazy map, I've seen better, but it is pretty cool
thays pretty funny, very dramatic
it looks great, but I hate racing and have no race maps on my harddrive but I was really close to dling theis one, despite my hate of races,...
looks great
looks really good
I'm noat a big house fan, the rockets and close range weapons kill it, try a new idea is all I can say
I played some swat on it, and 1 on 1 for anything is all that should ever be played. 2 on 1 was what I played, and it would probably work if it...
your popo map is the uber pownzrs I be stealin it off yur file share yo! just practicing for when I'm the robber, great map, I love the jail
looks sexy, I may dl
ok, I pwnzr you stupid rectangle
looks quite D-licicous, I will take a peek lata
how D-licious of a map, I will dl. try straightening out those base by the walls, add a passage around the other side for better gameplay, I can...
if you have a soccer ball on your map that is easily gotten then it is no longer competitive.
you didn't imbed or even link to your pics, nobody else post here because that just bumps him. at least give a description or something, all I...
looks like a great map, if you are going to have energy doors then make it have a juicy forge filter at least. looks great though, 3.9/5 yes, I...
I don't get the concept of the map at all
the most superior sticky arena I have ever seen
invite me to the ducks of onyx already plz, I wanted to for a while
send me an FR at killamanjaro123 so I can own your ass at swat
sign me up! I can specialize in anything, I just like killing people. but I play objective games really well with a mongoose, so me and one other...