Hi guys, I've had a lot of infractions in the past. one for map theft, a few for spam, and one for necro posting. I'm introducing myself because I...
okay then... why do you choose shoes?
it looks great, I'm kind of looking for more than a pic with words on it. It looks really good though. it's just not what I was looking for
ok guys, I think gametypes aren't talked about on forgehub enough. If you know how to make something unique in your gametype or have any questions...
Budha crane, congratz on premium I love the rock wall, I played on the shooting range (meh, I'm not in love with it) and the puzzle map looks...
pretty much convoy tunnel VIP version is what I'm getting from this...
I love the x walls, but the map could use a catwalk or something
looks aweesome, a little bland though, try making a different one with more features
it could be done on foundry. looks good. somebody should make a map like this
try making bigger pics I can not see NEting
lolzors mastar
this is ****ing hilarious, I rofl my sox off
I HAVE NEVER DOUBLE POSTED take that up the ass I will never die!!!
Hi guys, I'm looking for a new sig. I liked my other two, but I want a non halo one. so... I want a picture which features a person with a gun....
hey, I know I'm not a well known forger, but can I be a judge?
the first and last ones are good, but penises+halo=uber fail
I think the first one pwns
Maker: I don't care, I Specific Size: I dunno, as big as you usually do it I scrapped everything, cuz I wanted to give some creative freedom. I...
this looks really great, I love the air ducts and everything