lol lookss kind of funny for a second or two, try designing a mini game for it
I have never liked the debri maps, sry but I won't dl
It looks great,not a cheap at all (which is rare in infection.) looks great for a first post, I love the sub bases. the map is an overall...
I will judge for you, and I will also participate.
it is a nice map, but a V 2 is probably necessary after I have looked around. the grav lifts in the spawns let people in, the map is easily...
I think people should have the freedom to marry whoever they want. gays are people just like us, just with different preferences. there is no...
there have been three double posts here so far, and the range looks like I've seen it B4, I'll ask some mod if it was stolen. zto norlinsky you...
no, but I have limited harddrive space. I like my hardrive space. I will not waste my harddrive space on some lazy ass posters map who probably...
lol, make mine any color, but put a girl in the background and make it say sexy
let me join your group NOW!!! plz?
I think it should be legal because if people sold it in drugstores, drug dealers and all of that violence would go down. no more gang violence...
Hi guys, I'm looking for a new sig. I liked my other two, but I want a non halo one. so... I want a picture which features a person with a gun....
I will help you judge if you want also, I'll help you forge the pre-made map, make it something very unique and hard to balance.
I've had that, but amp is the best.
I'll still be as much as an asshole as I used to be, just not a spamming map stealing one edit: I had no idea one thread would make me go from...
the entire map seems very small widthwise, try interlocking adding a few stairs
it doesn't look like it is supposed to have walkable walls, the map is basically a giant ramp with a few cool features. I'll dl later