Quit necro posting. Its getting annoying and you are already warned.
K well it was great talking to you. Never really talked before. I'm going to bed now but perhaps I'll catch you around or on live. Nite.
Nemi your a genius. You just gave me an amazing idea. Thanks.
I'll just see it on FOX. Don't think I get Hulu, member no cable I haz.
Your sig is tight as hell.
Actually I missed that. It looks brilliant I'll just have to watch it. And how could I forget, Scrubs (ABC) and the Simpsons (FOX). I don't have...
And not to assume to much but I also like Heroes (NBC) and Bones (FOX). u?
I know, I know. I was just kidding (was I....?). But yeah, you always have been good at raping someone in verbal arguments. Much like Dr. House,...
Sorry. Well at least tell him homophobes are more likely to become gay. See what I did there? Or ban ham.......
Additionally point out to him our sister ancient society, Rome, didn't even acknowledge homosexuality as unusual. There wasn't even a term for it,...
your sig is hella cool. Just thought I'd mention that.
I tend to avoid social norms as they are sometimes are based of opinions of others, and to me opinions aren't a strong base for an argument. But...
Yeah but probably for you seeing as with me its generally I try to point out their ignorance of the rules then they become hostile.
Oh and I only reopened then locked it to see if I could. Jw, sorry about that.
Ahh well. Knowing you I shoulda known. I'll prepare the anti flamer charges. He'll prolly gimme a piece ah his mind.
-_- fillr
Dun wry, its k.
Yet again. Failure. I don't feel like continuing a pointless trite, you simply blew a tad of sarcasm out of proportion, then things began.
Its sarcasm.