The Orbital skull was visible in a screen released by Bungie. They realised the slip and edited the screen. I won't say where it is for some may...
LOL at below comment. Srsly, we HAVE to team up more. Best. Fun. Evar.
I know. Unfortunately I got EXP banned one time cuz I signed in 4 controllers to try and get an achievement. Sadly it registered as boosting so my...
Lawl. Its k, I can wait 11 days for Halo Wars. But yeah its tight your back.
Wow. Some others round here have them too. They are taking similar steps. You wouldn't happen to have any other... codes?? (Kidding, but not rly)
What was that post about? Why did you say waaaaaaa?
Sup bro. Been awhile seem you have been around. Have any big debut plans for Sandbox? Gunna get a flame for that Recon this time around eh?
Now I understand. Well that blows. Hey, don't worry, just little over a week till Halo Wars LE.
As in? Was it because of the codes?
Why are you mad at TDF?
Oh i know I was mentioned I just wanted everyone. But it doesnt matter.
thanks for inviting me
Great TGIF mate, best fun I have ever had in TGIF.
We owned yo ass.
You are.... a genius..... if that works, I will , marry you.
Wait how do you know? Did some people on forgehub get hands on with the maps?
It won't ever work. There is never a flow. People add some random thing that looks cool but doesn't play well. For a map to be solid generally...
That is unless... the skulls are only visible while not orbiting in monitor or theater mode. Meaning players might have to climb to great heights,...
Hmm yeah I really don't see how finding the skulls will be remotely difficult. Won't someone find them in forge in the first five minutes of...