1. Laser 2. BR 3. Mauler
Well right, wrong, or in different I would feel like a hypocrite if I came back from being tortured and found out that someone else was tortured...
I feel torture is immoral. I am a solider but i would never ask anyone to torture another being to get me back. I know my job as a solider and I...
Pulling out of the war no would be the worst thing we could do now. I understand why the general population wants to pull the troops out, but...
I agree with you Reynbow and I don't. I don't agree with them costing to much as yes they do but if they cant afford the kid they can put them up...
Its tough to say. In normal cases I would say no. However, what if the girl was raped and got pregnant. In that situation i could see it being...
32 minutes later still waiting thats a long second. j/k
I wasn't sure where to post it. Your idea is what I originally wanted to do but I don't think i will be able to now since i only have 3 walls and...
I am the middle of working on an infection style map in foundry and i have ran into a stand still. Human side looks like this: Halo 3 Screenshot...
i didn't see it until you pointed but now i def. see it that is werid
One time i randomly shot a rocket at a mongoose on standoff it flew like 30 feet and killed someone and i got a splatter for it.
I'm the guy that runs through the field teabagging every dead body out there I don't care if your on my team or not i will teabag you. I...
my friend rent it awhile a back and played it only on the create a map section and i loved it it was much easier to place stuff then with forge...
looks like starcraft on the 360 to me anyone else agree?
will dl and give it a try looks fun
i have had that and it is still one of my favorites all through i love all energy drinks.
i played project x and loved it i will be downloading this great maps tex
love this map tho i have never made it to the top
great map love it i actually made my own version using lasers its awesome but love the concept
great map love to play when i am bored