That's pretty cool! What effects did you use? I can't download the map straight away because my Xbox has just red-ringed :(
Hey there! I like the additions you've made to The Cage. I don't really enjoy playing on that map seeing as there's only two or three ways around...
Hey, you're going to need at least one screenshot or a video of your map or your thread will be locked. Here's a link to the rules of posting and...
Can you give us a description? Weapons used? Idea behind it? It'll make it easier to know what we're looking at here.
That looks like a cool map :) I'll download it and give you feedback when I've played it. One thing that might be cool is if you add more...
This is a draft?! Looks pretty finished to me :D It's in my download queue, I'll look at it once my Xbox decides to work again :)
Map download link doesn't work... :( Could you fix it? I've played Lava Pit before but I think this looks like an interesting take on it and I...
Sometimes I find it's certain textures on objects that make it slow down. I don't think it has anything to do with the object count and such :) I...
Although the purpose of this structure is unknown, some say it reminds them of an old cooling facility. Made by GrimHippy 666. I designed and...