Fusillade Co-created by GrimHippy 666 and Spankimus1114. "It's difficult not to get caught in the crossfire. Co-created by GrimHippy 666 and...
Cache Made by GrimHippy 666 "What was once a peaceful and desolate Forerunner courtyard is now a UNSC weapons cache. Made by GrimHippy 666. 2-8...
I can't really get a good sense of the map with the pictures you've provided. Is it possible to have an overview picture or a video so that we can...
Wow, this map looks really cool! When playing about in Forge when I'd just got the game, I started making a map with a similar shape, but I didn't...
There's bound to be a lot of maps made in the Coliseum, it is one of the listed spaces to Forge in. It just happens to be the place you start at...
I've seen the thread for this on the Bungie forums. Although it didn't get a good reception there (Forum rules and all), I watched the video and I...
This looks excellent! Queued to download. :D One thing though... No walkways across the L road? :(
Is that not a bit too quick? On most maps, Rocket Launchers are set to double that.
Looks really interesting :) Although I can't help but think that the survivors should be limited to 4? Looks like a big group you had in the...
Farging red light... Yeah, that's my Xbox atm ^.^
This map looks awesome. Will you be entering it in the Forgetacular contest? A definite download :D I can't wait to play it when my Xbox is fixed...
Think Carney holes.
It would be pretty difficult to make it circular... Looks great! You could put some grav lifts on top of those central pillars though, it would...
This map looks really cool! I'm going to download. You said that the effect starts during the round of infection? I think it would be better if...
EDIT: Forgive me, the pictures did not load up when I first replied. Sorry! Your map looks great! I'm going to download :)
Hey there, nice little backstory there, but you're going to need some pictures embedded into your post, otherwise your post will be locked :/...
Wow! This map looks awesome! Would you be able to set up the interior of the Death Star for Slayer as well? Looks like it would be really cool...
This looks great! Hope to be able to play on it soon.
This map looks extremely intriguing from what you've given us. I wish I could see it in more detail but my Xbox is currently in a state of...
Ahh, now I read it again and it makes sense :) Sorry about that!