Hey there. Good luck with finishing your map; hope you figure out what to do about those asthetics. ;)
Allright I'll do that when I go back on. You can send me a FR if you want. GT: smitty0018
No problem ;) Lemme know if you figure anything out. I'd like to see it. And if you need help with anything (other than coming up with ideas)...
I can't be of much help with the aesthetic nature of your map, but hopefully this will help. Here's a link to Bl00D F1R3's guide to Teleporter...
That sketch looks awesome. The bases are pretty sweet, but like Smeagle said, the middle is a bit empty. Can't wait to see this map finished.
I posted an application in the Forge Mates section but it hasn't really yielded any results. I'm at a standstill and am having trouble thinking up...
Hey I sent you a friend request. If you wanna talk or whatever go ahead and accept it.
Hey, interested in working together? I saw your post in the Forge Mates thread.
At the moment, I haven't completed any projects. I've just recently gotten involved in forging. Click on the image in my signature for the FM...
Thanks for the link. I'd be more than willing to help, I've been looking for a Forge Mate. Lemme know if you could use me.
This looks like a great map, especially for FFA. It's qued for download. I love the gravity hammer hole and the grav lifts in the walls ;)
Looks like it has great potential despite the hard geomerges, but hopefully you're up to the challenge. Can't wait to see the finished product....
Looks like a pretty good racetrack. The interlocking looks good but some of the ramps off of the ground look a bit rough. You should consider...
Gamertag: smitty0018 Times you can get on: At the moment I'm not allowed on during the week because I have a few Cs, but that should get...
Thanks for the welcome and the videos :D I really couldn't tell you what video it was that I saw; it was quite some time ago. I was just...
Hey guys, how's it goin'? I'm smitty0018 (also my gamertag) but you guys can call me Matt. I stumbled upon Forge Hub while watching videos on...
The gametype RACETRACKS is great for race maps. It's the gametype used by halotracks.org so it has to be reliable. Here's a link to the gametype...