Looks pretty sweet. The only problem I have with it is that MLG maps can't have shotguns (replace it with a Mauler perhaps). Nicksternater, how...
Les Pauls are amazing. I love my Les Paul. I think I'm going to get it insured (just kidding xD)
Cause Tristan kicks ass? And because I suppose God said so ha.
Yeah, that's a good song. I actually have an Ibanez, that was my first guitar. It's a nice guitar and I still play it from time to time. By the...
Hey, I just have a few questions on my NAT. First I'll try to explain my layout. My Xbox360 and one of my two computers are downstairs in the...
First off, you have no clue how I have been raised and why I believe what I believe. It is not in your power to judge that. Yes I was raised a...
Jesus did want us to eat His flesh and drink His blood. Jesus is present inside each and everyone of us through the Eucharist. John 6:53-54...
Or when you're doing homework like I am currently doing and you think about other things you should be doing... like playing guitar. (Or should...
I'm the same way. I quit my highschool soccer team because I didn't like the coach, and club soccer hasn't started up yet, so I'm just now getting...
I'm wasting my time looking at a website? Sure, you can look at it that way. Or you could look at it that I'm currently working on homework while...
That cracked me up, thanks for the laugh :D Anyway, here's my baby... As you may have noticed I'm a Slash fan =P [IMG]
Meh, despite the geomerging, it gave me a good laugh. The one guy spawning the random objects made me chuckle =P
It definately needs interlocking. That's probably the most important aspect of a racing track. The other problem I have with this is that it...
I think this is an awesome idea. Go for it, but make sure you make the switch people can work with and pretty clean.
You don't by any chance have a layout of the map, do you? I'd be willing to give it a go if I had the layout. See if you can find it.
I was thinking about making it MLG, but I'd have to take the SMGs and Spikers off... If I make a v2, I'll take those off and make it into an MLG...
Oh allright, didn't know it was just a concept ;) I really like the idea though, keep working on it.
I appreciate your suggestions, but I'd perfer if you guys didn't post the same things over and over again. I do understand that the map is open...
Suck it up dude. I'm pretty sure Microsoft is not trying to get your Gamertag hacked... You biting off something bigger than you can chew. That's...
Hey, do you have a sketchup of that idea you were talking about?