I just have three suggestions. 1)Interlock 2)Interlock 3)Interlock Other than that it's a good map. Maybe put the ghost back in though.
They're like $50 each. I got one for my birthday though, and apart from my reffing job which I make $30 for one little kid's game, I make 50$ for...
I found this on a non-Christian site that explained the events of Jesus' trial. The Jewish historian, Flavius Josephus, writing in the 80s or...
Spartan, the Romans did not put Jesus on trial. The Romans did not arrest Jesus. The Romans did not convict Jesus of blaspheymy. I think you need...
Ugh, I think I'm done. I'm just making enemies without trying to. Hope there aren't any hard feelings, message me if you think there are and we...
To answer your question, yes, people would look down on Asians and be skeptical if one set off a bomb in NYC. Look at 9/11. And I know you're...
This looks so fun. It reminds me of Tunnel Raid which is me and my friend's favorite gametype that we play for hours whenever we get together. The...
Yeah, I'm all too familiar with the "get angry and play something else" mentallity, ha. I have over 30 100%s in the main and bonus setlists, which...
Thanks Grif. I'll take a look.
Okay, I just want to clear something up. When I said that "If you believe in God and he exists, you gain everything. If you believe in God and he...
I think you guys don't get what I'm saying... I'm not telling you to believe in God just so you can get to Heaven, I don't care if you believe it...
So when are you planning on starting the contest?
This looks awesome. The tele writing adds a great touch and makes it less confusing. I'm just wondering whether or not you go in the back hallway?...
Yes oh my gosh, Inside the Fire is amazing. I love you now...
I like that joke Eons. Sheograth, your point makes no sense to me whatsoever. You're saying that you would rather cease to exist than live in...
I'm gonna guess people are going to go ahead and say "It would've been better as a switch!" But I personally like the fact that it's automatic. I...
I'm guessing he didnt geomerge it because it didn't work into the arch of the wall. And the fence box is merged into the wall and I think that...
I wonder what happened to his aquatic creature.... <><
This looks hot. I can't wait for it to be released. I personally am starting to dig the simple looking structures. I love that base in the back...
I love this just by looking at it, which doesn't usually happen. I love the center structure (or whatever the circle thing with the fence walls...