yeah i agree with everyone above me.............. i got to type faster........ and actually get on to forge hub faster but oh well.
i have too agree with a few people above me..... it seems too plain. could also use a few action shots and more people in the "finished product"
i agree with everyone that said anything about pics. could also have a gametype along with this too. (suggestion)
okay everyone can stop saying to put tables. i have heard the table thing like 7 times in 2 mins. besides he said he put tables he just hasn't...
this seems like an interesting map to play on...... but sadly i can't download because i'm at the 100 custom limit (*_*)
some of the pics are too small. please make them bigger after the 5th pic.
wow pmp! it's like all the maps you put on forge hub gets high regards! (in layman terms, that means their good) i'll dl.
I think that some parts of this is cool (like the ship), but some parts i have to say really aren't (like the anti-air cannon), i'm sorry I just...
it seems the zombie could just go down and kick their booty with the br, especially since he's invulnerable. (just saying)
i like the details you added to this map like the concession stand and the parking lot....... but i have to say boxing is a little......... fun....
i agree with kronos, this is kool with a capital........ K-O-O-L!! (but does not seem like it's practical...... oh and how would they get into the...
um....... this is cool and all........ but i don't think this is going to be needed in many cases. I mean most i have seen are in the air or in a...
this is a cool looking map/house/switch-thingy. i personally like this one better than the drawbridge you made.
wow! i never thought of using the switch method for a drawbridge! props man..... props.
looks good...... but seems very easy to spawn kill.
all in all though it gives a simple yet fun map. gj man g......j.
looks cool, seems like ans interesting race map, (and good job with the interlocking). i would dl but i'm reaching the limit, let me see if i can...
i'm glad to see a rats nest map. this seems like a fun map to play on, (even if it is rats nest, but oh well) i'll dl.
um...... try to put more than 2 pics, like try some action shots.
this seems like an awesome map i dl.