this seems really cool..... oh, and i'll download.......oh, and also don't worry i follow the honor rules.
some pics are not working..... please fix.
i loved playing republic commando and this was one of my favorite maps! thanks for making it.
maybe you could put some more pics and descriptions.
seems like a cool map...... and just to ask what do the humans have weapon-wise? and are the hunters invincible?
seems easy to spawn kill the zombies......... or am i wrong? if so can you please tell me how humans can't spawn kill.
yeah i agree with duckman620 v4 and v3 seem the same except maybe no honor rules in this one........ but if i'm wrong please correct me..............
nice geo-merging, and interlocking also i love the double diamond thing.
yeah, i agree with everyone that says anything about the pics not working.... and that you have 24 hours before they shut this thread down.
seems like an awesome game and map for me and my friends to try out. thanks. but where can i find the map i can only find gametype.
really cool remake....... oh you know what i'm going to say now...... if you don't then i'll say it " i'll download"
the action shots are cool but could you make them slower so we know what they are.
i agree with iTz Me but yeah it does not meet forgehub standards.
yeah i've seen paintball gametypes and maps a lot of times and sooner or later it becomes no fun...... so just to ask what do you think makes it...
seems interesting
looks like a cool map i'll dl.
thanks, now i don't have too make it too show my friends how to do it.
don't know
i agree with mattdgiant. this does not meet forgehub standards. um, can a forgehub admin or senior help me out. (or someone who has the link)
this would do good for a movie or something........ but i'm not making on so yeah.