well its better then a teleporter and it gets the person from top mid to sniper perch
deselation This is my first MLG map it is relitivly old but has very good game play. there are three levels on the map, the third level is...
i have no idea why there are spawns out side the map they should not be there at all... and this is not your typical arena map it has some very...
its has some spawn problems i agree but the br arena is a one kill then a new round with the game type so it solves the problem of spawnkilling,...
thanks man its a first post and for me it looks cut off but i dont know why but thanks alot for the feed back, very apertiated
first post. this is one of my first competitive maps i have made using interlocking. it is strickly koth and the BR version of Chasm is to be used...
looks good but i never understood the point of these maps the mongoos ghost cant do tricks lol you sould make the park more halo size instead of...
i agree with the otthers lol
I dont think this map is ment to be in the mlg catagory but still its well made
looks good not sure how the game play is but im sure its not bad
wow, that is all