Dude, that’s almost insulting! How can you say that this map feels nothing like guardian except some small areas? And what do you mean by that it...
Won’t it be a problem if all the jumps were built exactly as in halo 3? I mean like with the new game mechanics in reach. . . You might rebuild...
I haven’t tested this map yet but I have to say that this looks extremely promising! You just keep building great maps, you should build an epic...
Thanks for updating with a link to the preview map ^^ this will be awesome!!
I dont think this will be that much of a problem, I think starfighter have fixed the lower mancannon to almost take you to the far end of that...
thanks man for letting me test this baby ^^ I did notice the frame rate lag you were talking about. athough it didnt bother me much. still the...
this looks amazing! by far the best Guardian Remake I've seen! the asthetics looks nice and clean, the layout looks incredible accurate. :) I...
Hi Starfighter ^^ I've been playing all your Emollitus maps for quite some time now and really love them all. But having played them as much...
Acervus ^^ I've playtested it and both the gameplay and the astethics are awesome :) FH DL thread:...
this map is Awesome! like all your other maps. someday I'm going to start a DeStarfighter Forge fanclub :P how do you make all your maps!? seems...
Just have to say that this map looks awesome! how do you make your maps so original? when I'm trying to forge it allways ends up looking like...
still playing this map like crazy ^^ but I think you need to fix a couple of things. as the other guy did, put the snipers outside the base. and...
As allways a new original, skillfully made, mindblowing map by DeStarfighter! This map is freaking awesome, and just like the other guy said,...
thats really nice of you :) so when will the map be ready for a good testrun? and by the way you should do a infection gametype on this one. ;P
sweet ^^ looking forward to it, and a BTB map in this style would be awesome :D tell me if you need any testers.
Hey. hows the third map coming up? got any prewievs? ^^
IIIII Loooooove iiiit! :D cant stop playing this map, and cant wait for the update.
Awesome! ^^