I'm in. I love Custom Games, as well, so if any of you just need an extra player my GT is Stumanji
This may not be your cup of tea, but if you want to *try* to capture that space feeling, if you have room in your budget, try applying a Purple FX...
Wow! Strongly disagree with this comment. Some of my FAVORITE memories of this map were of multi-flag CTF. The layout of the map made traversing...
I started to attempt a Boarding Action remake (mine was called "Boarded") and, I tell you, hats off to you for keeping your patience with this...
Honestly haven't played this (I'm short of friends on XBL that are willing to play Custom games - in fact, only 5 or so friends actually have...
Looks awesome!
Battle Marsh. Dead Marsh. Killing Swamps. Slaughter Swamp. Beatdown Bog. Bogged Down. Swamped. Mayhem Marsh. Swamp Thing. ??
This was one of my favorite maps from Halo:CE. Glad to see it remade. Much better looking than a couple other Damnation remakes I've seen. Good work!