Have you actually downloaded the map to see if it has framerate lag or are you just assuming because whenever I have played the map there have...
Primordial Hi guys, mich012 here with my first most gametype capable asymetrical map, I give you Primordial... When the UNSC stopped recieving...
The Aesthetics of the map are fantastic and to be honest a cathedral must be the coolest settings for infection. Only problem for infection is...
The map itself looks like it could offer some good gameplay. My only problem is the HUGE wall colliseums, by the look of the map I guess you have...
This is quite a cool idea, to be honest I wish I'd thought of it. The one problem is how will you create fire? This first installment looks...
Look at this
Oh wow, I've just had a custom game, 4v4 and everyone loved this game. We all agreed that this new twist on dodgeball is so much more fun and...
You need to include some pictures on your post. Map Posting Rules Threads must include at least one picture OR video that clearly demonstrates...
On the map information section you've posted this map as on Anchor 9, yet the pictures are of Forge world. You can change this by going on edit...
The map looks good, but you need to include a better description of the map.
This looks better than your original version, the extra struts disrupt some of those long lines of sight and those new bridges make more ways to...
Ive never seen glass covers used like this before, pretty awesome! does it have a specific gametype, or only slayer?
You need to include a DETAILED description and at least one picture of the map, or the moderators will lock your thread.
Wow deffinate download for me, there's something really satisfying about banked turns, and with four of them... Oh wow.
Thanks for the advise, ill take these things into acount and make some improvements, unfortunataly I had to use large braces as I ran out of wall...
We need to see some photos of your map, people like to know what they are downloading, there should be a thread about posting pictures.
to Codyr2391, Thanks for the advise, I've updated the photos.
Wow, the aesthetics look astounding, just like a real oil rig. I'll definately download for a closer look.
Industrial. (this is my first competetive map, constructive critisism is welcome) A UNSC industrial port, now turned into a war zone. It features...
Wow I've seen alot of these D-day style maps around, but iv'e been thinking about 'haloing up' a version, for example spartans spawning in drop...