Damn, lol i knew it was too good to be true :( Urs looks pretty cool too :)
I found the only spot where it was escapable, im guessing your talking about jump of the obelisk onto that double box near middle. Anyway i fixed...
Thanks, and yes i debated the cover issue to as i said before. I ran out of objects lol. The problem wasn't nearly as bad as i thought it would be...
Thanks, and trust me i see where you all are coming from about the power weapons. I thought all the power weapons out and it seemed like none...
I would have made it in the crypt but i would sacrifice the ability to make such a flawless layout. The crypt has awkward walls which makes it...
Yes, that was one of the issues. I thought it might work out like that but surpirisingly it wasn't as big of an iassue as a i thought. I literally...
Thanks, and i made this map in the mindset that nade jumping to places your not allowed to get to is illegal in MLG. It might be possible to nade...
I've tested this with my other forger friend. We decided the map was too small for power weapons and i agree with that. Sniper would be overpower...
MLG Riot Created by TG Eulogy Supported Gametypes: 3v3 or 4v4 MLG Slayer, CTF, Oddball, and KotH Map Description This is a sky level fully MLG...
Thanks, i'm not sure which version you are seeing. i don't think i have my latest version up yet, ill try and get it up
ill try to get some actions for you all. give me a day or two I have updated this map a great deal and will be putting action pics up soon. A...
Enclave Created by TG Eulogy Supported Gametypes: Mainly objv (CTF, Ball, KotH) but plays slayer just as well meant for 2v2, 3v3, and 4v4 Map...
It isn't a KSI knock-off at all. we have been around since 2004 and all of our system, structure, ect. is original and was started by us. there is...
ok my bad. And o Korupted o i saw you on the forums, i wwas going to send a PM but i have to wait til your account gets vaildated which is...
bumpity bump
If you end up registering please give me your username you signed up with. And if you have any questions feel free to ask and remember to put me...
Tactical Warfare [TW] [IMG] Calling all gamers looking for an exceptional clan! Tactical warfare is a multi-gaming clan that originated in...
I'm exactly sure who created Amplified but i give them full credit for what i used in my map, which wasn't much but it was something.
I cited those peices from in my post of the older version and yes im sorry but i forgot to include those citations in my new map post. I...
thanks for the suggestion, i'll keep that in mind. But i could have swore that fence walls were MLG...