they all look pretty damn good, but personally im looking forward to blackout the most. ive had so many customs in lockout on halo 2, i lost...
ah bummer, ya it has its downsides seeing as that its mainly aesthetically based, and thats cool ive been wanting to know what some of the in game...
ya completely playable, thats why theres a portal leading inside were you can get on the chopper, you should check it out.
this is freakin amazing, i love those arches. shock, your the man dude, when it comes to making maps, you handle business. :squirrel_rocking:
aesthetically its so there is a parcial connection from the body to the head, so basically its the neck. the playability factors are so there is...
ya, it broke 10,000 downloads, no doubt because of it being here on forge hub. this is awesome, i cant wait to get more involved in the site, as...
awesome, i was hoping there would be a St. Paddys day map. this looks great, that leprechaun is mine. :squirrel_evil:
this map looks sick, ive been out of town and ive been missing out on some maps. im going to play this as soon as possible, these maps for the...
this game is pretty cool, and i have to give it to burns for getting a forged map and game type on matchmaking, thats really cool. but the fact...
a couple days for each, i couldnt tell you the hours. put it this way, instead of using my time i get to play halo,playing matchmaking, i spent it...
checked it out the other day, its pretty cool man.
actually, im thinking of making an entire starwars seen in foundry, im talkin multiple kinds of ships, droids, lightsabers, the works. its quite a...
sweet, im definately plannin on it. its cool to have encouragement of you guys who are already involved in the sight. im looking forward to applying.
lol, Gundam is basically the most known giant mech anime around. theres a bunch of different series that are based on giant robots, called...
nice, i did not know that. thats pretty interesting. but i based it off Dragon Ball, lol and i never thought to pay attention to the toes. my bad.
1. no sorry theres no other big pics 2.yes, you can walk along the entire back of the dragon, after getting on with a gravlift, in fact the flag...
awesome, this is amazing getting two maps featured so soon :squirrel_rocking: I hope you guys all like this as much as the gundam. and thanks...
sick remake man, i really like the remakes of maps, i even attempted a prisoner but this was before i new of interlocking. but this warlock kicks...
trippy map dude, really cool and very different. im lovin it.
crazy man, this map is sick definately one to keep