i tryed everything to get over the shield doors but i couldn't. in fact i couldn't do both of them. the map is kewl but you gota fix thoughs...
how is a deploable cover a wepon?
this is just grif ball with the goals higher off the ground. i give a 1.5/5
wow! i haven't seen a chris-cross track before! looks very promicing (except for the shield door thing that might screw me up)
thanks for putting my name first lol =)
you gota enlarge the pics i can hardly see whats there
ill be in your group (my gt is halo00178)
ok i just downloaded it and there are a couple of problems 1 thr map really isnt playable with only 1 or 2 wepons on the map (i know u ran out of...
wow you did a great job making the ship i would have never thought to make it. im gona download it right now
this is the bungie jump trick from cmneir on youtube ( iv seen this for months now) when you make a map there are 4 catigories: competitive,...
it looks like you did a great job redoing the map on avalanch (im glad the honor thing was fixed)
its a good trick (but hard) and i think that there really isnt a point of having things fall from the sky lol. i think it might work for some maps...
to fix what rey said (first poster) you just cheek to see how many rounds there are by pressing x on the title screen and change it to what ever u...
the map is great! love it
u gota have pic with the map otherwize we dont know what we're downloading
this looks great! very nice forging but im not really into koth but anyway id give it a 4.5/5
i guess its ok but the ships on the map need a lot of work so in the future dont rush maps, take your time and you will create something great.
ok i think the map is good but i think there needs to be something speicial about it, the map is basicly a castle with a open/closeable door. im...
the map is basicly the trick shown by bigwoodee on youtube with the crate thing so this map isnt origonal. you can use that trick in maps but be...
ok a few problems with map: #1 dont call it v2 or v3 if you just change a couple of objects. the volume means you totally redesign the map. #2 try...