This as youv'e probbably already guessed is called oupost. My inspiration for this map was taken from High Ground as its such an awesome map....
Map looks gd nice job
Looks like not a bad map uve map but its quite open in areas not enough cover.
How come it all shiny n stuff but the map looks gd.
Have to say it looks a bit sloppy and theres alot of open ground.
Not bad but not great.
Looks not bad. Decent CQB batlle. However im not really a fan of CQB maps i have to say.
Nice map i like the chinese style buildings. gd job!
Looks like an ok map but nothing special.
I have to say im not a fan of maps that have lots of teleporters on them.
I have to say this looks like a really gd map.
It doesnt look anything like a mcdonalds and whats up with all the walkways and power ups?
The ideas are ok but to many power weapons on map and it looks messy.
Looks like a nice mid-range-combat level shotty snipes might work quite nicely on this.
looks quite interesting i might download and try it it. Gd original idea.
this map will be really chaotic and funny looks good.
Why are the zombies(lions) temporarrilly invisable and pick up snipers????!
No offense but this map not good at all.
The map ok interlocking would improve it plus where are the enterances?