hey thanks for the feed back and just tell me when you getting connected and all that and it pretty stupid but some awesome ideas just came to my...
you could make a floating platform where humans get on some warthogs and start dogging the spartan lasers tha woul be cool.and some kill ball so...
em... well the title says everything,i need some help with some maps i got stuck and i dont know what to make.Aswell i need a forge partner...
o im sorry well ithen that means im wrong,anyways i dl and its prety good i tried with some friends and i liked it a lot the gameplay its exiting...
em.... i think i already saw this map but diffirently,you just used the map before and added a little things: you erased where zombies spawn...
lots of my friends are really bad at forging right know i know alot of ideas but i need a partner to do some of them(the other problem when im...
i like a lot forging but i dont know how to put pictures or links no matter how many time i read the guide on forge hub.... but i can help you my...
omg! people here are so retarded sorry for insult he dind t take any effort he just randomly placed weapons on the map and in side its on liy a...
hey i see not many peeople actually awnsered tu your request of making a map i can help my gamertag is alextrer
ok this is my first map so dont be so strict please : ) story: usa always laughing at us well i know what we can do(mexican)steal their flag...
WRONG! he would actually have... CHUCK NORRIS!(did i spelled chuck norris right?).
i need a partner on forge.all of my friend dont like forge so somebody can please help me.(gamertag alextrer).
ok i ve been playing halo3 a lot and every tie i buy a new game i almost dont play why? halo 3 is a drug how? well everytime i get a new game i...
hey would you like to be in my group.tthe group is called the forgers we do a lot of things like creating maps play infection a lot and discuss...
wow your jumping map i was shocked how could you do it so fast for me it would be nearly impossible i loved it.and i would like you on my...
hey ive got a question whats your gamertag so we can play together and with my other friends some time.
hello i liked your work a lot i know you re going to ask me "who are you" or "what do you want" wel i saw your work simbolic a lot AND i want you...
i liked a lot your work in assembly:toxic,it was a good design of a level even you did it on assembly one of the less played maps of all that s...
bravo! this is one of the first maps i see on assembly that seems pretty good i think ill dl. the juicy effects the shield doors its all very...