the music is really bad and repitive they need to improve their vocals,your still a spammer
you have already 69 posts hows that you dont know the posting rules?please mods lock this or move it to any discussion that could fit in.
i was thinking hey ive seen alot of jump (parkour) maps out there.i should make one but diffirent,how?(this thread is offering any one to help me...
um,im sorry its actually impossible.if you do so the vehicle will start moving like a crazy uncontroled noob.finally by making the vehicle being...
i tried once the 2v2 puzzle i had it almost finished but accidently erased it.i have some pretty sweet ideas and now alot of switches that you...
wow this is really good i like all the buildings and all the types of zombies you got a 4.8/5.even though there are some bumps and some...
oh i remember testing this map,glad you posted it,il dl straight away.the falling vehicles are a nice touch.question: when we were testing it you...
this was already made,a little different.sorry...
well the screenshots explain every thing but to believe it you need to dl serious.this switch is a trap switch,that normally gets people to...
hello and welcome to one of my newest maps!i ve actually been along time here but never posted a good thread or map anyways now that i ve learnt...
dude.... i cant believe somebody has never seen this before
dude thats not all remember the guy who made the risk boardgame and people just said it needed improvement and stuff check this out! YouTube- Halo...
hello forge hub i decided to make a stadium,you are all probably thinking oh a sword fight how original well no,its basicly a crater and people...
i would like to help.But it says your gamertag doesnt exist so i ll give you mine:alextrer(strange name huh?)check out my thread idea about...
if you want to have a ship search on the search bar for a of my favourite ships is the pelican by rifte gifle.
well you actually made mi idea of a cliff based map on sandbox...
you should make an elephant they re so sweet!
well it s never happened to me and i forge in live so....
thats strange.... when i was forging with diabolical he told me to make him host to ghost merge.i made him host but actually (me not being a host)...
i ve been thinking most infection games they put all humans together right?well imagine an infection were all humans are scattered around in...