The only thing that I still don't understand about asset is: Why is the Brute Chieftain gold? I think that it should be red... Brute Captain is...
Yeah... I used your Grav. chamber :P Everyone is like : "-WTF!? Twilight zone!?" It's not gonna be in the map pack. :(
This map was pretty damn fun to play with the Asset V1... but I don't know how it plays with Asset V2.... But it is certainly funnier.... good...
It is... the first asset map in the crypt...
Yeah, I now the hornet spawns at 2 minutes... we almost finished a round twice in 1 game with the Asset V2 I'm sure you saw a lot more maps from...
I posted my map Rocking Squid... I think that, beside the Asset Map Pack you should do a Asset Maps List... it would be nice... Rocking Squid
[IMG] Created by: Joe is Outside Recommended Gametype: Asset V2 Recommended number of players: 6-8 Download link: Rocking Squid, Asset V2...
Hahaha... nice one
noitcefnI | Infection I got an idea but I'm not sure if it would be fun, nice or playable... Imagine if the hunted, would be the hunters... The...
When a name is taken, you don't have to change it... Hahaha... I think that I saw 100 maps called Sandcastle... Encrypted... Haunted Mansion......
I means, the noise... how the noise could be annoying... But, beside that, the walls look sloppy, like the other map you just posted... you...
Interlocking looks a little bit sloppy... And from the pictures, the map looks too small for a warthog...
Not bad, really, not bad for a first map, if you visit Forging 101 like david said, you'll improve your skills... but this kind of map is overused...
I know this trick lol.
[IMG] Map Description: Those giant tentacles are Forerunner sculptures. Play with «Asset» gametype. 6-8 players About my Map: Rocking...
the more inexperienced forgers wont make amazing maps... You suck... you suck. You're good... you're good Now the more inexperienced drawers can...
Is your gamertag meleemaster?
Dude... do you know how to speak english?
Whats a screenshot without a name? Seriously...
Maybe moderators dont really like my real gamertag... so I keep it a secret and no, its not «No Gamertag»