DAAAAAAANG Do they tell how to do some of these?
why cant i ever see the pictures? this is bugging me... anyway it sounds fun
Hey ill help.. im not as great at thinking up maps but amazing at interlocking and all the advanced stuff gt- ArmedCrapSack
OH wow. Thanks jelly... You just gave me the best idea O_O EDIT: ADDED POLL! VOTE NOW
Hey bro... why dont you take a look at it? Hmm? Then decide if you freaking like it. Everyone thats played it so far thought it was the best one...
Wow this is great... not one view in the past 6 minutes.... Soz dub post... I was just mad :p put o lot o time in this and not one view :p
Gametype: Air v3 >>>>Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Game: The Vent v3 >>>> Gametype: Air v3...
welcome to forgehugb... Im kinda new here too :p... been offline ever since i join lol
Hey guys i havnt been here in a LONG time and i totally went off trying to get my fiffty:happy: which i did... but now im comming back into...
some are good but looking more serious
eh..... where is everybodY?
I need a new Gt for live so the winner will recieve 200mcspts... i will update top 3 as they come in. Post the name and then your gammertag.....
ive never seen a puzzle on this map...looks nice and ill check it out
yes it is. This is a download for sure. It looks amazing! You had to have put a ton of thought into this....
The new version of onslaught, its like version 8.1 or something looks sick as heck, as does this. just downloaded and the interlocking and...
Hey was up....ive been here for a while but i just forgot completly about it and will be a regular user from now on... I'll be puttin up some...