cool map i can hardly see the pics thought and all the weapons? that is too easy 3/5
sweet map but 1v1? i would play it like 3v3 or 4v4 but good job 4/4
thats the weirdiest map evere but really good forgeing great job 4/5
plz dont sent me anything throught my email its allready clustered and will probly never find it :(
very well forged
love the layout and all the wepons... 5/5 great job i like this one better than bayonetwork
sweet map... you got my DL 5/5 love the sniper tower
sweet map
its good for very first time but use a different name i thought was infection
great map keep up all the good work 5/5
what up
real good... but TWO hidden rockets and a shotty by the SD... but it looks real good for slay and other rumble pit types of games........ uh 4/5...