I love you dude this is awesome. though grids are ugly and the grass looks very unnatural, placing the grass closer together will fix that though.
The middle is inaccurate really inaccurate, the map is wider that original pit the map also look very different from it to. I suggest next...
Yah I walked around this a little a bit ago, the constantly dropping crate is the only that bothered me I know that it did that in the original...
Nope no Z fighting at all I made sure of that or frame rate as long as you are not in spilt screen. Edit: also please watch the video it is...
updated for: Frame rate extermination, coving up the pool cover, improved cover/sight-lines, and a switch from plasma launcher to rocket....
update: For more cover, completely symmetrical bases, smooth ramps, anti camping measures, and kill zone fixes. thank you to all the people that...
Thanks for the comment keep them coming please remember to dl if you like my map. it is my map for forgetacutar, So your guys support would...
Here it is after literally thousand's of hours of testing I bring to the very final version of Highland fort. I would like to thank everyone who...
Sorry about the bumb Render just that a new rendered gameplay video is up. I love any and all comments received remember if you download it to...
Hello FH i am back with my final version of my map after a successful testing night The map was great played a lot better than it did before. I...
great job clubhouse look great and looks like it will play well even if it doesn't it works just as well as forge art.
dl. possibly back feedback
Hello fh i am back with my next map after a successful testing night The map worked just none of my gametypes did so i fixed that along with my...
I suggest you change you grav lift on the top platform to a ramp it make for better flow in my opinion
You are the first person I have seen make even a remotely accurate midship I feel your pain about the curves dude I know Its hard dude and you did...
Fail not a single hitchhikers guide reverence. Win everything else. But sorry dude there is no way this is not casual
This is amosome dude great job. dl
This is as clean as it gets the hill may look messy that is because of the way i had to be make in order to curve like that. Beside what hill on...
Ok go to your reach screenshots and left click on the screenshot itself and then click on copy image url then put it inside this [img]
Here it is the final version of highland fort. It has been tested and now is ready go. look and out for Backbiter coming to a FH close to you....