Nehighland Fort By: Locke087 Screenshots: Pic 1-Rockets on the bridge [img] Pic 2 [img] Pic 3 [img] Pic 4 [img] Pic 5 [img] Pic 6 [img] Pic 7...
First and foremost I love any and all feedback I am never satisfied so I have a hard time finalizing anything, and try to make everyone happy...
Light Hearted Created by: Locke087 Map Screenshots Current Pics: Loadout Camera/Spartan Laser [img] Front Overview [img] Back...
Ya that is what I was thinking that this doesnt look urban at all. I believe you only saw the very first version of this that had absolutely...
Urban?. I guess I can see where you are getting that. Thank you for the comment.
Saddo you never stop amazing me. Why do I say this because there was no map in h3 I hated more that rats nest (well except snowbound) Mabye cause...
Facade Created by: Locke087 Here it is guys the finalized version of Facade for you all to enjoyed. thank you for the feedback that made it...
Message me over XBL not forge hub if you want me to respawn in a timely manner. My GT is Locke087. If you do a good job I would be more that happy...
I am juggling a lot of projects right now and shrinking a map is a lot harder than it sounds. So I will see when I can do this. If you want to do...
Interesting It would play quite differently if I did. A lot of areas in Enigmo are pretty small all ready ie blue base. I will try drawing it...
Enigmo used to be more aesthetic pleasing but it was very laggy so things had to go but in the end the gameplay improved. By the way how much...
Updated May 21: Change List: -Enigmo is now stable the lag was caused by an assault rifle that appeared to close to a rock. No more black...
The bases are the best I can do with the limitations object wise, terrain wise, and framerate still I think both look sick and produce a...
Serpentine (updated May 14th) Updated May 14: Change List: -pushed the map bounderys back to make more room the vehicles to drive -moved the...
New Version is up please redownload the map as the new link now supports stockpile. 3" power weapons" (grenade launchers are sub power...
Facade (updated) Updated: 4 drms/nrs added now compatible with multi team, and infection. Now works for stockpile Pictures: [img] Loadout...
I was lucky enough to get to play this it has beautiful flow, great gameplay, and the lack of railing was never a conser to me. My only thing was...
Ok maybe it is just a thing I have but I HATE fx it hurts my eyes. With me fx turns a good map into instant trash. Also I havent tried it yet but...
Right read most of the post did not see that though, but are a couple of real suggestions. The ramp in the middle section have a really big bumb...
First that never ending brige to nowhere needs to go. Next there need to be more more over in some less in others. Vehicle need to drive (are...