That, or you could realize that Halo 3 currently has 3 separate DLC packs (Heroic, Legendary, supposed Mythic) and 3 x 250GS is 750GS.
Nice find... but I'm curious, does the glitch still work after save-quitting/restarting forge? Edit: NVM, stupid question, of course it does :P
Cosmic Rick - so... creative... head... explosion... Matty - In nobody else's maps have I ever had such a complete and well-rounded...
I get "Muh-Kinzle" all the time. So annoying. It's "Mock Knizzle" as in Knight, but with more Snoop.
Not exactly. The FMGC canvas comes with one of every type of item already spawned on the map in a pile. If you spawn, say, another Single Open...
Dunno what your problem is, then. Your best bet's to just move on to something else and deal with your wall being a tiny bit crooked. If it...
Why are you merging (I'm assuming the door method?) when you could just interlock?
There's an easy fix to that: take a double wall or box and lay it over the gap where you want your fence wall. Then just go underneath and float...
nah, worked just fine for me. i played this map for like three hours last night, i love how the laser placement creates a "corridor of death" for...
i really like the sniper tower, but the other bases look just a bit sloppy... it's not a big issue, mind you, but you can tell that a few walls...
i thought it was rock out with your **** out? anyways, i like the unorthodox design of the building, although to me some of those platforms just...
That is good I suppose?
YodaNub, I know what you mean. I think what is happening is that the box you see is just a "ghost" image, in that the box isn't really there, or...
I made my first serious map a while ago and this bug was the bane of my existence. My meticulously placed mancannons all of a sudden shoot me...
Lurker for a week or two, learned some amazingly useful tricks, decided to make account. Yeah. Hopefully I can actually get feedback on some maps...
Barriers all the way. A door on its side is the same, but six isn't very many.
(yay for first post?) Yeah, just use a few more double boxes on each side to keep it straight. I've had to do a little bit of embedding things in...