Carnage Palace: What the ****? Fell off the map and found a rocket launcher. Killed somebody with a hammer, took it and destroyed the **** out...
The only real way to see if it works would be to just test it out. Although if you're looking for theory, I can imagine a spawn system in which...
The proper gametype label is "INF-HAVEN". Any objective item will work (hill marker, capture plate, flag stand), but common practice is to use the...
You need at least one Safe Haven somewhere on the map, even if it isn't used in your gametype.
This diagram (hastily made as it is) should do the trick: [IMG] The weak zone makes the single spawn inside the highest-priority, so the first...
If you are a Red Team player and there is a Red Team Strong Zone, you will always spawn in it, period. You cannot spawn anywhere else. If you...
The problem with most of the "city" styled maps is that, like PacMonster said, they try and do too much. Forge 2.0, as much as it has improved...
Thanks! I really like this area because A.) no annoying waterfalls, B.) the cliff is relatively straight, and C.) the lighting is remarkably...
My first foray into posting maps here on FH. Long-time lurker, occasional poster... thought I'd try and give back for once. Let me present...
Got a 4-on-4 game going on this map yesterday... it was awesome. Phase 1 was tons of fun, the sniper proved to be instrumental in breaking up a...
Combine the left-thumbstick click and the aforementioned tapping method for the best effects.
Set object color to yellow, not team color.
Storming the beach was one of my favorite battles from Halo CE, you have no idea how happy it makes me to see it faithfully translated to Reach......
The backside of a 3x3 Short (side without the glass) has an area that is smaller than the collision box, and thus acts as an invisible surface...
Dude, you geomerge on Sandbox exactly the same way you did on Foundry before doors became popular. Everyone already knows how. Also: I didn't...
Split my forehead open on the mantlepiece when I was 2... tripped on a truck. Kinda like Harry Potter except horizontal and not magic. More...
No... it's never gonna be free. Bungie isn't running some big conspiracy... they don't control marketplace prices. 800 points or whatever...
Instead of just popping into Forge mode and placing random boxes around the map until something looks cool, try just drawing a basic layout of...
Air, and liquid water. There is not enough water vapor in plain old air for seeds to grow. That's why dry seeds don't grow. (duh)
Apparently none of you guys have even a basic knowledge of chemistry... Plants preform photosynthesis, which converts carbon dioxide and water,...