So... no lifts, no teleporters, no one-way shields, no nada?
Lots of space is a must, you need to have plenty of breathing room for banshee flips and whatnot. More so than that, however, infantry need to...
yo, think i figured out how to deal with the infection spawning issue... we need to set the team slayer spawns to "team only." infection is a FFA...
So proud of my little hallway... All grown up... *tear* But seriously. This map is fun times. From Team Camo to epic last-second...
kinda like the name Grotto... i have a couple ideas myself :P
I don't think there's enough conclusive information on the stacking properties of zones to be able to answer that question. My advice, however,...
Yup, Mr. Green knows his **** when it comes to spawns. I recommend checking out all of his tutorials.
Whether or not you use hard spawn zones often depends on the gametype. In Slayer, for instance, dynamic spawns are beneficial because they allow...
Please... don't use the Stevo spawning guide as a reference. I know it looks pretty and he's got a shiny red name, but it's confusing and filled...
It's really not all that complex. As stated on somewhere: A Respawn Zone (or commonly, hard respawn zone) object designates the area...
Ummm... the gametype you're thinking of is called Infection.
I've had this problem too... my mongoose kept spawning on my FFA initial spawns even though they weren't labeled RACE_SPAWN. I ended up just not...
The Safe Zone defines the outer limits or the general shape of the play area, but you can use killzones to block off smaller areas you don't want...
To answer all your burning questions: -Yes, Erupt, the building is new. -No, Anthraxe, I'm not holding out on you, you've just been too busy...
Hey all, this map is back from the grave and looking better than ever. Don't believe me? Fine. Have a look at these... [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]...
This is a great little map you have here, I'm really looking forward to getting a game or two together this weekend. I love your base structures,...
Glad you enjoyed it! I still need to test all the objective gametypes and then an FFA match or two before I'm gonna release it, but hopefully...
You can give flag carriers specific traits, but there aren't any AOE modifiers in CTF. Likewise, there can't be any flags in KoTH or Territories.
Questions you should ask yourself/things you should be doing: - Pre-Forge - A) Size? B) Vehicles? C) Layout? This is where you get to come up...
Put as many vehicles as you think you need to...?