Wow, this looks verry good. I see a lot of effort into the post, not to mention the map. I also really like the idea of having all the floors...
Wow, I'm really Impressed. The atmosphere you crafted here is amazing. After a forgethrough, I was so happy not to see the bland hues of grey that...
While this is an intresting idea to mess around with, there are a couple really big problems with it. The first one is that if your team is...
I was forging a couple days after ghost merging came out, and was playing around with it in the dunes. I actually got a cool structure going, but...
Looks verry nice, and i agree that it looks suitable for mutliflag. I like every single structure but the one in the 6th picture. I don't think it...
Actually, you can sorta set objectives. Insane54 and someone else made Cave Freaks on avalanch with Vip settings. Zombies traits were the general...
Wow, that's a great idea. The only thing i can see happening though is it just turning into a mele fest. If everyone has higher health or lower...
You mention red, yellow, and blue. Those are the colors of powerups. If that is what you mean than red + blue = Purple. If you actually mean...
Congratulations sir, it seems like you have made a verry nice map indeed. I especially like your br tunnel but i agree with just about everyone...
Wow, that is aboslute crap. That kind of thinking is exactly why half of the maps on forgehub nowadays are unimaginative and noncreative. He made...
The gate looks really nice, but the other (human) base looks kind of bland... And you should also do something to reduce the spawn killing. Maby...
It doesn't look like too much from the first pictures, but I can see from the rest that is a very complex structure that is at least 2 stories. I...
Izano, stop. Thanks for the bunps and stuff but it's just a preview. If this thread dies whatever; the only real thing that matters is the...
Ok, after my forgethrough I can answer some of my own questions. The watchtower base Is supprisingly flat. However, you still have a ton of...
This track makes me wish i had spent $65 on ODST. It looks smooth, but i think the water drop is kind of anticlimatic-will you die if you make it...
Ok, i dl'ed this map and did a forgethrough yesterday. Overall, i'm really impressed. By far my favorite area is the red base with the fencing,...
It looks pretty nice, especially the man cannon railing next to the overshield. The color codeing looks nice, but green wouldn't have been my...
I remember playing on this map and thought it was really good. It was actualy FAIR for each side. Playing as the covie was fun because of the...
Ok, changed color to white for dthen, sorry all clasic people. @ Izano thanks for the bump =), and i'll add u when i get on next(sorry it took...
lol that sorta sounds like the movie quarenteen, after they loose all the power and the only light is from the video man's camera. I think it will...