Did you see my map preview? Your entier idea sounds 90% similar to mine. You even used the grav lift as the key. If it is just a coincidince than...
Shut up purple, the only reason u beat us is cuz u've personally ridden every last bump on ur map 40 times =) But yah, i'll second the part about...
Ya i just figured/saw that today too. And i put it into action a few minutes ago on my last resort judgement map. You set on to asymetric and...
To kind of bounce off your idea, you could have one guy in the air while the rest of the team is on the ground escoutring the VIP. The guy in the...
Dont be sorry, it's not your job to worry about how many views my map is getting. Thanks for the concern tho =) And thanks alot purple for the...
Oh, yay i finally get to see more! Anyways it's looking great. the middle is by far the best, but your bases look nice enough. Add me to the...
I really want to see more of the avalanch map. It also looks like the conquest map has come along grate since last seen, how many boxes/bridges do...
One guy already made a pretty good remake.... http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/76112-longevity.html It even had working ladders,...
Thanks for the feedback guys @ vespher, wandering around the middle level of sandbox really isn't a problem. You spawn in three rows facing the...
Air Force One Is Going Down [IMG] Download Links Download Map:...
It was really fun to test, glad I joined last minute (I iz in pictures 9 + 13) . As said above somewhere, it's verry cool how you created the map...
The second map looks verry nice asentricly, but it will probably be hard to work the vehicles in. Also, the later pictures of the elevation look...
Lol, it actualy took a minute for me to get it, anyways eventhough there is nothing fancy about this map, it looks like it will still play fine...
This map reminds me of cromatic. I guess I'll see how Iambic stacks up because I'm going to download it. I really like the themes of the rooms,...
Lol your bases look like the default bases on roids. Anyways, it looks clean from the pictures with no major bumps or flaws. Also, the only thing...
Wow, this was a great turnout from your original dismal poast Mr. I'm-not-gonna-get-a-feature-because-caves-arn't-100%-original-anymore =).I...
Wow, great job jackel. I love these kinds of maps. I played a 7 on 7 game last night and overall was really impressed. Really the only thing i can...
First of all I'm pretty sure this is the right place for this but if not move it or whatever. Ok, I'm finnaly getting a new computer in the...
There is one guy who made something similar to this. He didn't geomerge them though, just interlocked them under a doubble box on foundry touching...
This looks verry complex (lololol lame joke) Anyways, the sniper ledge is verry verry verry nice looking with the fin supports. Also, the bases...