Tell me whatcha think and if you don't want any power weapons any weapons at all you can change that in the gametype btw. AR whores will get owned...
Oh, sorry to hear, hope teh ecks box comes back soon! : )
Well to answer your question, Public Servent made all of the floating blue boxes... But it didn't have Cover, Spawns, or any weapons. So a lot of...
Wow, very nice review thanks! I like your avatar btw :D
Grenade jumping and Brute shot jumping failed (miserably)... But if you do find anyway to get out in a custom game let me know :D
Believe me that is the randomest long post ever... But anyway it's not a Ship it actually doesn't have any Back Story whatsoever. Hope you like...
Thanks for your honest opinions on Collision and realizing the Asymetric features! Also if you don't like ARs you may want to check out the MLG...
I just love your sig, great work on it! (Wish mine would be as nice...)
Hey, you can't jump down onto Collision... Everything's blocked-off with Double Boxes and Teleporter's. Just to let you know.
Ha, took about two (or so) Months for Public Servent to the all the Blue Boxes and another one for me and Persister to do the details. But we...
First post congratulations! Thanks for the compliment... I never thought my first real Map would turn out so good, lol ; )
[IMG] "Official Pic of Collision" [IMG] Overview of Red Team Base. [IMG] Mid and Spawning system. [IMG] King of The Hill FTW! [IMG] Our Huge...
Yay, i haz reply?
Photobucket does own, but your Sig doesn't... It's not that bad, it's just gheyz, it's huge! Generally I hate people with huge Signatures because...
Ha, if you're wondering, no I did not use Google translate, it's just because of a couple similarities between Dutch and German :D But when...
Ok I'm going to try and translate your long comment. So: Yes, I am also Dutch and the site amazing and look out for "Collsion" it will be posted...
Post whatever you like here (:happy:) and don't worry I'll post some maps soon, maybe even some :recon: worthy maps... Oh and add my GT; Its Ninja...