About time I can't believe a map with a giant brute on it got featured before Vanilla! Vanilla looks beautiful! Vanilla plays beautiful! And i'm...
See this is what i'm talking about : And trust me, you don't want to get numbers involved in this.. Have a good one -Grim Numbers as in too...
laughed Katanga? i was screaming! Anyway yeah amazing race map, seen as everyone can now forge awesome with forge 2.0 it takes ideas and...
I agree with this guy, i mean there is no way you could make anything (until November) as good as forge world maps unless its on forge world. But...
I like the idea but remember dude your using forgeworld, think big REALLY BIG, i reckon you should make a V2, proper colleseum style too if it's...
New comment after i played it ... ITS AMAZING, me and my mates had an FFA slayer game on it,its amazing in every aspect. There was no camping, no...
What if i dont want to practice my close quarters combat skills on a box with 4 blocks. What is the point of the tree, how does it add to...
Aww you reported me. Oh look you have Black Theorem as a friend on forgehub. Well i have many friends and they're on Se7ensins. Good luck holding...
I love this,damn it i've downloaded 3 different last resort/zanzibar remakes now because they all look so good and have different parts of the...
Hey man this map is brilliant,downloaded and played on! Don't listen to these noobs with critic comments. THERE IS A BUDGET,bigger than Halo 3 but...
Map Gameplay BUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Added after 11 Days: Hey i played on your...
Nice map, this looks really fun to play. I remember when BuddhaCrane invented this concept for Halo 3 and this really does justice for Halo Reach!...
Ah yes another Lord of the Ring's based map. At least it's not Helm's Deep though, but i already saw and downloaded a Minus Tirith map,looks like...
Hey check this message i got Dear Dorito, You have received a warning at Forge Hub. Reason: ------- PERM - Spam Flooding another user's...
Visitor Message: Katanga Askar Report Visitor Message Logged in as Dorito Message: Forgehub is ghay Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam,...
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