Looks great. Very neat interelocking. The only thing(This isn't your fault) is how small it is due to FOundrys cursed Tiny-Ness
I have always loved the Conflict maps. They are very neat and fun to play. Great for swat
Ok. The map is just looks like you threw down some stuff. Remake this just make it neater.
The second time this week that my map name was stolen
Yavi is back...and he's leaving an orange pathway of death and destruction behind him!
Looks cool. A little open. Might play good with MLG settings
This looks pretty cool. Very neat Interlocking on the Circle part too.
I think it should have been posted in the Aesthetic map section but whatever. I also agree with Penguinish. This map looks like it would work...
Looks very cool. I lthink you might want to add more anti ghost stuff if the ghost owns. But I'll test first.
I really liked Chalice. This one is hopefully just as fun!
NO! You took meh map namez! Oh Well. Looks good. Is it MLG? Cause it looks kind of Open in some areas.
A truly awesome map. Epic Win! I love the GeoMerging of those cool archway things.
A great scenic shot. I usually don't like these but this one is pretty cool.
Nice map. Good incorparation of TX Ghost's switch
No Prob Man. The map is amazing.
I don't think it should be MLG. I think that you should edit it up a bit and make a non MLG version.
Looks great. I think I see a premium promotion in your future. Great Map