double post oh noes! Did I forget to say that the focal is too small? Cause I had that in my mind...
LOCKdownN His signature has much better composition and also the lighting is very good. Frags sig is just such an odd shape that it takes your...
OK thanks Taco Seriously you should try taking more pictures of stuff cause I love all the the recent photos people are posting
OK made a new sig in GIMP [IMG] Tell me what you think and if anyone knows anything about GIMP or GFX give me some pointers and CnC. [IMG]...
Try using a texture Background and smudging it but nothing too colorful
K V2 Coming soon
New sig tell me what you think! [IMG] V2 (Gun Blurred and Guy Sharpened) [IMG] CnC
Man I know me bro and I are subscribed. LOVE IT!
rofl. I suck at Art but you have to have one art credit in Ontario so I'm taking art next year and I suck and just pray I don't fail. :D
wow good going pigglez. Now Diz or osmeone is going to come in here and start arguing about effects. I love how that happens from dumb stuff like...
rofl ya "Uh hey hottie.." "Ya?" "Your shoulders dissolving" "Damn....Again"
Not bad I like the crumpled paper effect but the red space ship stands out like crazy and I'm not sure if that is bad but I don't think it is
ya I know I guess I should post up the original. And why are you looking at her shoulder? Just pay no attention to mine once I post original.
rofl. I also like the lighting but that is about it mainly because I don't like anime but maybe make the render blend a bit better and make the...
I'm guessing you're fairly new to GIMP but I mean this is better than some of my first failed attempts.
lol really I thought it sorta messed it up other than adding like a juicyness filter kinda thing. But ya hotness indeed.
So if anyone has checked out Sports or somewere else you would probably know about this fine woman. Bar R is the new cover girl...
Pokemons ones are good but the ODST one is by far the best!
Oh k thanks I don't read comics so. And hey could you link these new brushes they seem pretty epic.
Ya listen to whisper and go Vandalise some memorials and a lighthouse! Anyway your bros shots are pretty hot but your shots are good too. Your...